Thursday 18 November 2010

Suggestions of a funny nature

So, I've been thinking about where my life is heading...... and who I am........ and where my place is in the world, which are all those kinds of thoughts that invariably open a can of worms tantamount to fucking up any chance of answering the questions spilling into life. The more I think I have figured it all out, the more I find it's totally incomprehensible, and I make an art-form out of being confused!

I am a failed university student from the Northern Film School in Leeds, and I know what you're thinking now, drop out, too much partying, drinks, drugs, latching onto any stupid holiday that allow for a dress up, not enough work, meetings, disappointment, kicked out......?! Well I can tell you....... most of the above! Except the last bit about the work. I did my work and I did it pretty well actually, however the student loans company thought I was better off out of the education system and thrust straight into the repayment of my loan! Fucked up right?! I didn't even think they could do that, but the final kick in the teeth is that they wanted the money off me whilst I was in uni, however now I am out they have decided that my circumstance is such that I am unable to pay, so they have said now...... they're not in any rush for it!! I mean come on!! You Bastards!

Since then I have been living back at home and enjoying all the luxuries of a parent run household, cooked meals, beers on Mum, and the best, no rent! But still, I can't help feeling that I am wasting time that could be used to learn new things, broadening my mind and actualising all the ideas that i have filtered into the partying populous of Leeds whilst totally under the influence. Good ideas I promise, just not told to the right people I wager!

Well... I came to the conclusion just recently that I am not getting any younger and as I don't have any money to go to uni again, especially in light of our new government's bright idea on fees, double especially seeing as I am oooooooooooooooooooooo *drum roll* oooooooooooooooo £20,000 in debt already without a degree, I should just steal my way into an education. That's right, I am going to take the metaphorical bull by the horns, live outside the law and just bloody walk into lectures at a random uni and learn! It sounds like a lot of effort with no reward, and I know that it has been done before, but in these times, when degrees costs more than most people make for themselves in 30 years, why not? Everyone should be entitled to an education whether they have money or not!

The suggestion of a funny nature came though when I was seated facing my family at the dinner table. I slowed my eating for a time to express my dismay at the velocity at which my life was heading and laid down my ideas on going around the system in order to piece together a sort-of education. I was expecting an entirely different response to the one i received......... wait for it.... they thought it was a great idea and recognising its 'fuck you' aspect to the government my Dad suggested I start a blog! Ta Da!

So here we are, I am going to be attending as many lectures in web design/ development, graphic design and anything else I think I can get away with! And this is the start of my digital expression of this, to as many people wanting to read it. I will document everything! The lectures i get into, the lectures i don't, the lectures that bore the pants clean off me and the lectures that inspire me to go out into the big wide, scary world and make a difference (haha, in web design?????). I will keep a log of what I learn and I will try and upload what I achieve as I achieve it. So that's it........ I hope you find this an interesting space to read and I promise to be consistent in my uploading throughout my time until I probably get sniffed out for my educational thievery!

This is my pirate education!